Thursday, February 27, 2014

Almond Joyness

Who doesn't love a good candy bar?! I know I sure do, until I read the ingredients label that is. I love that there are natural alternatives, but honestly I haven't really found one that I have liked besides plain chocolate, but that's a whole other story. Anyways being pregnant I've found myself wanting things I haven't wanted in years and tonight I had a hankering for an almond joy. I wasted little time figuring out how to make these it was like the craving just took over and I was a witness to the situation.

Here's the recipe......

Grab a  mini muffin pan, a regular one will work but the little ones keep me in line!

1 1/3 C coconut
1/2 C coconut oil
1/4 C maple syrup or raw honey or agave

Mix those together if, you're patient you can melt the coconut oil first for easy mixing but I just used my hands and made it melt to my will!

Divide the mixture evenly into the cups

Press down lightly 
Add an almond (or a sprinkle of sliced almonds) to each cup and place in the freezer for about 30 minutes

While that's happening bust out a double broiler (that's just a fancy term for an empty pot on top of a pot of boiling water).....sorry I was way too focused to take pictures!

Melt a bag of enjoy life chocolate chips in the double broiler, oh you don't have a bag of chocolate chips on call in your pantry? Yeah, me neither....... a chocolate bar will do or if you want to get fancy you can make your own chocolate by mixing equal parts coconut oil, cocoa powder, cocoa or almond butter and adding a sweetener of choice to taste.

Once the chocolate situation is worked out pull out the coconut cups from the freezer
Add chocolate to each cup and place back in the freezer as long as you can stand it

After about 15 minutes mine were ready-ish, I would give it 20 and 30 if you make big ones
they will slide right out with a butter knife.

If there's any left store in a zip-lock or Tupperware in the freezer

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