Wednesday, July 10, 2013

10 Tips to Get Your Lovely to Eat Healthy Food

I feel like I've been having the same conversation over and over with other parents when I'm out. "Little Billy Joe Bob ate well until he was 14 months old"
"Sally ate all her veggies until she went to school"
and the list of excuses go on and on "quick health food is expensive" and my personal favorite "I made my own organic baby food and now my kids eat fruit roll-ups"
Here's the real deal and I know because I've been there with my own child. As they get larger that precious little baby whose lips you wouldn't let anything but the most sacred ingredients pass turns into a back talking wild child who refuses to eat until they are on the verge of a severe meltdown and out of total desperation you give them whatever you can find. Sometimes that is a bag of cheezits from a vending machine at the gym, or a juice from starbucks, the lolipops from the bank or treasure chest from Trader Joes and yes there's "healthy" grab and go options but most of them are loaded with sugar and here's the thing about sugar....sugar begets sugar. It's easy to turn our bodies on to a sugar burning state. In the world of a toddler where time is of the essence, they delight in the quick energy of a juice and feel that's enough energy to sustain them. The problem is, that's not enough energy to sustain them and the cycle repeats itself constantly, then the cycle becomes  habit.

I recently did this with bagels, now bagels aren't all bad but my little guy is sensitive to gluten but he LOVES blueberry bagels. So for a while I would just buy him a bagel when we were shopping at Whole Foods as a treat to bypass the sugar doom kids club wagon. After a couple weeks I kind of forgot how out of control his behavior gets when he's been eating loads of gluten and I bought a whole bag of bagels thinking Z really likes these and they're great on the go. Three days later I had a manic child who only wanted to eat pasta, bagels and fruit strips.

I decided to make this list as a reminder for myself and for anyone else who finds themselves in the same cycle. I am going to tack it to my fridge as a reminder when I make grocery lists and pack lunches!

1. Ditch the Juice and Drink Water Instead

We all know water is good for us, we're made of mostly water after all! Most of the time when we're "hungry" we're really just thirsty and it's our bodies telling us we're starting to dehydrate. Juice is not a whole food, if you've ever juiced before you know what I mean. You throw loads of fruits and veggies into a giant machine and out comes a tiny bit of juice. Then you're left with all the good stuff to dispose of. The good stuff is pulp filled with fiber and most of the fruits and veggies nutrients. I've found it helpful to leave water out at all times as a reminder. Z has a special cup that is only for water and when he's really fighting it we make "lemonade" which is water over ice and a squirt of lemon. Making it special in some way helps kids appreciate it's importance.

2. Be the Example

I once read a really powerful quote, I forget where and who said it but I never forgot it " Don't be concerned that you child doesn't listen to you, be concerned that they watch everything that you do." This was a real game changer for me , it's taken some real "reprogramming" but most of the time before I say anything I noticeably role play what I'd like my little to do and most of the time it works. I also try to keep this in mind when I'm driving and absolutely with what I eat.

 3. Make Your Own "Snack Packs"

 When I get home from the grocery store one of the first things I do is cut up extra veggies and divide the crackers, cheese and anything else I think will be ok for a couple days in the fridge. Then I disperse them into little Tupperware compartments and stack them in the fridge. I originally starting doing this for Z in the morning (he's an early riser)! But then I quickly realized that having a prepared snack was brilliant for several reasons, running late in the morning they make a quick makeshift lunch and also in a pinch when running out the door for the park or just as a snack when I'm in the middle of something and can't prepare something right then. Z likes the way it gives him independence by picking what he wants and getting it himself. Win!

4. Have an Emergency "Car Pack" filled with nuts, dry fruit and ziplock bags with individual servings of pretzels exc. this allows for more healthy choices and not being at the whim of a gas station, vending machine or just not having anything and risking a meltdown. If it's hot outside keep in mind things that melt, I have lost many protein bars and trail mixes with little chocolate nibs to the heat!

5. Compartmentalize Foods

I am a stickler for  everyone eating the same meal, I am not a short order cook! That being said I do know that kids have a different perspective on food than adults. If I am making a very spicy dish  for the fam. I will take a bit out for Z before it gets too hot. He almost always eats what we eat but I have better luck putting like things together rather than mixing it all together. For example if we have a Greek salad instead of giving him a bowl of mixed salad I give him a plate with olives, tomatoes, cucumbers. lettuce, a little dipping bowl of Greek dressing and even a pepperoncini to try. 

6.  Little Chefs

Allowing children to be involved in the process of "food production" gives them an appreciation of where their food comes from and how much work it is to gather, prepare and clean up afterwards. Let them crack eggs, mix ingredients and even maybe pick dinner one night a week. Having a garden, or visiting a farm teach them where food comes from rather than magically appearing at the super market. They will most likely be more willing to try something they grew from a seed or small plant.   This is Z with the sunflower he planted at school and transferred to our garden, he checks on it first thing every morning!

7. Snacking is OK!

We are natural hunter and gathers, it's natural to eat bits at a time . The first thing most diets say is to eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones. Kids are naturally good at this, we as parents just need to make sure they have access to healthy snacks at all times. Recently I read an article in parent magazine ringing alarm bells about snacking and yes if snack options are crackers, juice and chips snacks can pose a potential problem. However if the quality of snacks are high who cares if kids eat an epic dinner? Seriously if they love eating in the car offer carrot sticksif it's the only thing available they might just give it a go! Our favorite snack right now is the back yard forging snack, here's what Z had today for one of his snacks.

8. No Snacking in Front of the Television!

This may seem like a no brainier, but let's face it, it happens. It's 10 after 5 you just got home from the park and need to get diner  started. You pop on a video for the bambinos, they're hungry from running around all afternoon and grab a box crackers to accompany their show. Before you know it dinners ready and they're not hungry anymore. We tend to over eat while sitting in front of the television because we're not listening to our bodies, if this becomes a habit we lose our ability to listen altogether. I'm not saying we don't have the occasional popcorn with a movie, what childhood is complete without that?! But it definitely is a treat. If they insist on having something to satiate them while watching try handing them their super awesome water or "lemonade".
9. Food Rituals

 Eat dinner together as much as possible or at least keep your babes company while they eat to let them know food and eating is an important process!There are numerous studies singing the praises of eating together for many reasons beyond kids eating more veggies and trying new foods. According to research children that eat with their families on average of five night a week are more likely to get better grades and make better choices when faced with peer pressure.

10. It's All About Branding!

I recently went crazy making all kinds of "bites", "balls"  and various concoctions I found on pintrest. Z refused to try any of them even though I promised they were delicious. That is until I started calling them things like "sneaky ninja quiona bites" and "manic monkey muffins" then I had to hide them if I had any hopes of eating any!

What's your favorite trick to get you littles to eat healthy food?!

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