Friday, June 28, 2013

Keeping an eye out for food!

Maybe it's just because I've never noticed, or maybe it's because I've never really lived anywhere for an extended period of time. However lately, every time I look out my back door I realize there is something new growing. What took over as ground cover last week has disappeared without a trace and been replaced with something completely different to fit the time of year and growing season for that particular plant. What keeps blowing my mind is how many of these "weeds" are edible combined with an abnormally cold spring, lettuce and winter crops are still thriving and it's almost May! Can we say modified forged salad?! However we did witness our fastest snap pea season I've ever seen. I'm excited about growing and with this being our first year in this lovely little house we bought I am excited to see what will surprise me in the coming months! I invite you to look around, see what's growing and possibly what you can eat!

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